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Everything you need to know about Paul Breach.

Paul Breach is better known by his online handles ‘beautybeyondthe_eye’ (current) or ‘snapshoteye’ (previous).He is a 42 year old former healthcare assistant from Lincoln, UK, who now makes his money from TikTok and Cameo. This site is here to explain who he is and why he's a danger to women and young girls.Receipts and proof will be provided as much as possible. Anything that cannot be 100% verified as fact will be stated as simply alleged.A huge thank you to the Discord Hamily for your research and timeline collation, as well as the Subreddit and Tattle + Tattle Wiki which were invaluable resources - the Subreddit and Wiki are linked below for further reading.

Who Is Paul Breach?

Please note: Out of respect for the people in Breach’s life, such as his dad, his son and his son’s mother, names will not be shared here, nor will any photos of his son or anything with identifying information. However, for the sake of evidence and documentation, some screenshots - including some with faces and names obscured - have been included. Please DO NOT attempt to search for and/or harass any of Breach’s family.

Personal Life

Paul Breach was born on the 31st of January 1980. He is 42 years old as of making this in November 2022. He grew up in Lincoln, UK, attending school there and, according to Breach in a TikTok live in Oct/Nov 2022, studied agriculture in college. He then went on to become a healthcare assistant, a career he remained in for 22 years. He currently lives in Lincoln with his dad and step-mum.According to Breach, he has a distrust of men after allegedly having suffered abuse from his dad growing up. As a consequence of this, the connections Breach tries to make - either platonic or romantic - are overwhelmingly women and girls. There are very few men in his life.In 2007, Breach was in a relationship with a 16 year old girl (born November 1990). A photo from Breach’s Facebook profile surfaced of them together, dated to 1st September 2007, with Breach claiming to be “madly in love” with her.

It is unknown how they met or when their relationship began - it is alleged she was a family friend, but this rumour cannot be substantiated at this time. By 3rd April 2008, when Breach was 28 and she had turned 17 the previous November, she was pregnant with a visible baby bump as evidenced in further Facebook photos here and here. She gave birth to Breach’s son at the beginning of October 2008.

Breach claimed in this DM conversation with a viewer that he and the mother of his child had been in love and bought a house together.The house was in Gloucester, UK, where Breach worked as a healthcare assistant. They lived there together until 2020 when they separated after 14 years.On Christmas Day 2020, Breach made a TikTok video where he claimed his 12 year old son had helped him through the breakup.Section of transcript from that video: "I'm so honoured and privileged to call him my little boy, my big man. I've gone through the worst year and I still just don't know how to get out of it myself. I spent most of the day crying on Christmas Day. And yet my 12 year old son stands there like a rock, puts his arms around me and just holds me, tells me, "Dad, it's gonna be okay." ... I'm so lucky."For a short period of the separation, Breach continued to live at the house. However, after briefly talking to fellow TikToker Sophie and meeting up with her a few times, he attempted to move in with her, which ultimately did not work out. For more on Sophie and this part of the timeline, visit the Tattle Wiki.As a result, Breach was forced to move into his dad’s home in Lincoln, where he remains living now. At some point, the Gloucester house was sold.Despite the separation, Breach did have fairly regular contact with his son. There are alleged instances from viewers of him going live with his son in the background, with Breach making no attempt to change his behaviour accordingly. Breach has allegedly even made inappropriate comments with his son right next to him on TikTok live.Eventually, contact with his son seemed to lessen and then cease entirely, and it came to light that Breach is not even allowed to mention him on his social media at all. As such, Breach is quick to remove any comments mentioning him, and skirts any questions with a refusal to even say the word “son”.

Healthcare Career

Breach still worked in the healthcare industry at the start of his time on TikTok.According to longtime viewers of his TikTok page, he would frequently go live on the platform whilst working, using the app’s greenscreen feature to obscure the background while he danced and talked to his camera - even if his shift had ended, alleged some viewers. There are also personal accounts of him doing paperwork whilst on live, which is not only highly inappropriate and a conduct violation, but a risk to people’s private information.According to Breach himself in a TikTok shared 29/07/22, he had worked in the healthcare industry as a carer for 22 years before deciding to give full-time social media a go. He claimed that if social media didn’t work out for him, he would go back to care work.However, he was allegedly fired from his old job in a care role, and given known timeframes, this would have taken place when he was still employed as a carer at a facility in Gloucester. This information was revealed by a former colleague on 4th August 2022 after they were made aware of Breach sending this infamous Cameo video to a 15 year old girl. A screenshot of the former colleague’s messages is shared on this TikTok. According to the former colleague, who hadn’t seen him in 2 years when the messages were sent, Breach was fired for refusing to delete his TikTok account.To my knowledge, Breach has never mentioned anything about being fired or why.During his healthcare career, Breach publicly admitted on TikTok to kissing, hugging, holding hands with, and acting generally inappropriately affectionate with those under his care. This goes against expected conduct as vulnerable care receivers cannot always consent. For a time, one of the care homes Breach was employed at had care receivers under and over 65 years old who may have been injured, physically disabled, or diagnosed with a disease or disorder. Intimate and overly personal behaviour also crosses the professional boundary between a worker and a person receiving care.Multiple TikTok creators called Breach out for this behaviour when he made it public knowledge, to which Breach attempted to justify and explain his actions in a follow-up video by claiming they were not romantic in nature - he doubled down on his choices and has not apologised.

Pre-TikTok Social Media

TikTok “Career” and Surrounding Scandals

Breach has been on TikTok sinc

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Paul Breach’s Accounts

All of his known accounts are linked below - correct as of October/November 2022. Please note that these accounts are linked for your information and for necessary reporting purposes, and are not intended to incite any harassment of Paul Breach.


Reporting Breach’s behaviour in the past has had successful results - he had a brand deal terminated, has faced shadowbanning on TikTok, was removed from a hotel for destructive behaviour in his room, and got his partnership severed with personalised video company CelebVM.If you are concerned about Breach - or if yourself or someone you know has had a personally concerning interaction with him - reporting to the relevant places is the best course of action. Make sure to provide as much verifiable information as possible, including screenshots, to make a stronger case.If there is something you think goes beyond simply reporting to social media support, please reach out to any relevant local authorities with your information.